Michel Geerligs

Coaching Partner / Leadership Team Coach / Chief Philosopher / Life Alchemist

I love getting to the core of what drives people. Fuelled by genuine curiosity and compassion, I guide leaders on an inner journey to discover their truth. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to freedom. From this place of clarity, we can make choices that lead to true fulfilment, unleashing potential for the benefit of all. I’ve had the privilege of coaching a diverse range of inspiring leaders —executives, entrepreneurs, athletes, and management teams. Clients value my attentive, intuitive, honest and compassionate approach.

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We’re here to help. Whether you have a request or a question.

Tom Woodward

Design & Facilitation Partner / Alchemist / Chief Digitiser / Challenger

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Dawn Sowerby

Dawn Sowerby – Founder / Executive Coach / Chief Facilitator & Cogitator / Culture Fanatic

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